Ghost MPTURBO M&P Turbo Maritime Keepers
FOR SMITH & WESSON M&P's including the Shield
GHO_MP TURBO- Ghost turbo maritime keepers
Revolutionary Design
This will fit all Smith & Wesson M&P's (including the shield)
The Ghost Turbo Maritime Keepers are the only Maritime Cups Available that will make your M&P the most reliable by permitting the firing pin to bypass water, oil or debris better than ever thru the firing pin channel. This is done by creating voids for the fluids or debris to pass through. This feature insures reliable firing even under water! The Ghost M&P Turbo Keepers also lessen the friction in the M&P firing pin channel. You can now confidently shoot your M&P to the extreme! You may use this product for all lawful activities.
We have them in stock and we will sell them to all law abiding individuals for a limited time. This is the one item that is specified by teams that are on the tip of the spear! These are called the million dollar parts. Because if you loose one your pistol is worthless. So it's worth a million bucks to have a spare set. These parts work on all M&P's-1 size fits all!
Manufactured and designed by us, GHOST Inc.
Customer Ratings & Reviews
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ghost turbo maritime keepers
I Have not had a chance to test-fire this item yet but based on the quality of the fit and finish, I have little doubt that it will work as advertised. Based on this, I give it five stars.
Easy Install
Was quick to ship. The blue color of the cups made the install process simple. Since the MPTURBO are so tiny, the blue color makes it easy to find on your bench when trying to install. It only took 5 mins or less to install and reassemble. I currently have on all my Glocks, and they work just as good on my M&P.
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